Tips to Address Your Biggest Fear In Recovery FHE Health FHE Health

fear of being sober

Whether you have one day sober or 10 years, recovery presents challenges. There are times when youll doubt yourself and get pushed outside of your comfort zone. There are times when you will fall short of a goal. At this fear of being sober point, you can either conclude that you dont deserve it or have what it takes, or you can try again. Depending on the type of dependency, PAWS can last from six months to two years after you stop using drugs or alcohol.

Develop a routine to avoid becoming overwhelmed

Once you recognize and accept that you’re afraid, you can begin to address the underlying causes with specific strategies. Educating yourself about the benefits of sobriety and the recovery process can demystify what sobriety entails and help alleviate some of the fear. When you wrote the book, you were about to turn 40. There’s a really powerful passage where you write, “A middle-aged solitude I had always been scared of was happening and I saw the loneliness of the years ahead and it terrified me.

  • So for some people, sobriety can be a bit scary.
  • But you do need patience, empathy for yourself, and a firm commitment to meeting your goal.
  • I remember promising myself that this was my new way of life.
  • In fact, your journey to sobriety will likely involve strengthening some relationships and purging others.
  • I just wanted to be less emotional, more productive, more focused but less moody.
  • For many people with a substance use disorder, it’s simply a matter of never having learned the appropriate way to manage anger.

Why Does Alcohol Give Me A Headache? (Even A Small Amount)

The hope is that you will be ready to resume daily life after treatment, manage stressors and triggers, and stay sober for the long term. The reality is that many situations can make it hard to reintegrate into normal life without some hiccups and potential for relapse. Aftercare programs make it easier to remain in recovery and avoid returning to substance use. This can relate to picking up the pieces after detox, but it also has to do with what you know and feel comfortable with in your daily life. A life of drugs and alcohol feels normal because that’s what you’ve focused on for so long. It’s not uncommon, then, to be afraid of what life will be like without these substances to help you to manage stress, family members and other challenges.

Addiction Therapy Programs

  • What I thought was the cost of rehab was really the price I paid to earn my freedom.
  • When you are facing these challenges and downright fear of recovery, just focus on what is happening right now.
  • Many 12-step programs suggest that sobriety means total abstinence, which means never using the substance again.
  • People you love will die, you will move, you may experience the end of a relationship, and you may even lose your job.
  • Any general advice posted on our blog, website, or app is for informational purposes only and is not intended to replace or substitute for any medical or other advice.

Everything I knew revolved around getting high and I had the maturity of a 13-year-old. I had to face the cost of rehab and its treatment requirements. I had to learn how to grow up and become a productive member of society. I wondered how in the world was I ever going to attend a social event that served liquor.

I don’t think it’s change that you’re so afraid of. If you didn’t want to change, you wouldn’t bother to get sober. On the one hand, you hate what your life has become due to drinking. On the other, you’re scared to death of what sobriety will do to your world. How did the protests affect the way you think about journalism and what it’s for? As a journalist, I felt guilty and conflicted that I could go home at the end of the day and leave it, to some extent.

Evoke Wellness – Begin Your Sobriety Journey

fear of being sober

When you are facing these challenges and downright fear of recovery, just focus on what is happening right now. You’re post-detox and ready to take that first step into recovery. Just focus on talking to your therapist, working through today’s challenges and making it another 24 hours without using. Soon, that will become a week and then a month. For some, alcohol and drug use creates issues itself.

How to Overcome the Fear of Sobriety

  • Alcohol and drugs cover up pain and suffering.
  • I felt like my life had been destroyed and there was nothing to do but tell the story of what I had lost, the fantasies that I’d been holding on to.
  • If this is the case for you, you may want to dig deeper.
  • Yet, at the same time, it may feel better just to give in and use because that’s what they expect from you.
  • This is because you’re afraid of not having drugs or alcohol to help you escape from reality.
  • How did the protests affect the way you think about journalism and what it’s for?
  • I think I’ve come to believe that the rules of the profession really are there for a reason.

And then I wanted to be able to write about it in a descriptive way and not in a newspaper way. Ben Emerling is an avid writer who loves spreading the message of recovery. I could always make people laugh, and doing it at other people’s expense made me feel good about myself. I was never serious, and this was the ultimate form of defense. Nobody could ever read me, because the second I was vulnerable, I would crack a joke, put on a fake smile and put on an act.

fear of being sober

If you have specific concerns or a situation arises in which you require medical advice, you should consult with an appropriately trained and qualified medical services provider. Financial troubles and problems finding and keeping employment are major triggers for relapse, but it is possible to take baby steps and get your finances in order. Just keep in mind that your improvements won’t happen overnight.

Relational fears

fear of being sober

They don’t even know if it works until they try to fertilize them. And then, when I was working, I’d have to pretend to be culturally legitimate to these really right-wing people I ended up interviewing. I mean, it was really hard to figure out what to say about certain things. We spoke about the purpose of journalism, turning 40, and what it feels like to be on the verge of another Trump presidency. When we asked our alumna to describe what being sober feels like, she gave a detailed and inviting description that captured these key points.

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